21-Day-Fast Devotional - Day 13: Listening to God

Listening to God

written by Andrea Arissó


“My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27

Throughout the Bible, God spoke to people in many ways. Something the people all had in common was they spent time to listen to him.

It is so important to have quiet time with God. When we decide to give that time to him, we are completely vulnerable to him. It’s our way of telling him that he is worthy of our time. We take that time to learn from him and to listen to him. During our quiet time we start learning how he speaks to us. The way he speaks to you might be different from how he speaks to me. But it’s beautiful.

That voice speaks to us in the good times as well as the most difficult times in our lives. But how can we listen to God if we don’t recognize his voice?

Jesus says that those that belong to Him listen to His voice. I encourage you to spend quiet time with Him today. Learn how His voice sounds. Include scripture in your quiet time because God speaks most clearly through His Word. In fact, His voice always echoes His Word.

God speaks all the time. We just need to take time to listen.


  1. Do I spend time to simply listen to God during the day?

  2. Where can I physically go to listen to God away from the noise of life?

Check back here, on the Christ Fellowship blog every morning at 6:30am, where that day’s devotional will be posted. Feel free to share, repost, and send the devotional to anyone you feel might benefit from it. And feel free to leave a comment on the blog post sharing what God has shown you that day through your fasting and the devotional.