21-Day-Fast Devotional - Day 12: Serving in Ministry

Serving in Ministry

written by Eddie Feliciano


Scripture: Matthew 25:31-40

I remember reading a traditional Jewish story not too long ago. It went like this:

In a small Jewish town in Russia, there was a rabbi who disappears each Friday morning for several hours. His devoted disciples boast that during those hours their rabbi goes up to heaven and talks to God.

A stranger moves into town, and he’s skeptical about all this, so he decides to check things out. He hides and watches. The rabbi gets up in the morning, says his prayers, and then dresses in peasant clothes. He grabs an axe, goes off into the woods, and cuts some firewood, which he then hauls to a shack on the outskirts of the village. There an old woman and her sick son live. He leaves them wood, enough for a week, and then sneaks back home. Having observed this, the newcomer stays in the village and becomes his disciple.

Jesus says that “….whatever you did for the least of these you did for me.” Serving in ministry doesn’t always look glamorous or have you in the spotlight. But that should never be the goal. Serving others in love regardless of how it may look is the true heart of ministry. It’s even more impactful when the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, that way God gets all the glory…as He always should.

Prayer: Today let us serve in such a way, so that Jesus would be glorified and that our hearts would be in sync with His heart for those that He would call us to serve. AMEN!

Check back here, on the Christ Fellowship blog every morning at 6:30am, where that day’s devotional will be posted. Feel free to share, repost, and send the devotional to anyone you feel might benefit from it. And feel free to leave a comment on the blog post sharing what God has shown you that day through your fasting and the devotional.