21-Day-Fast Devotional - Day 19: Eliminate Baggage

Eliminate Baggage

written by Phil Costanza


“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father son, and the holy spirit.”

Matthew 28:19

In this verse, Jesus tells the disciples to go and make disciples.

​Have you ever noticed whenever you go somewhere you always come back from your trip with more stuff than you bring? That’s excess baggage. Just like as we go through our lives as Christians. We pick up things as we go along, some good and some bad. The good things are love, peace, understanding, kindness, and faithfulness. Those are the things that we can keep with us forever. The bad things are hate, anger, envy, and lust. This “excess baggage” we are to let go of this. Since we live in the spirit let us keep in step with the spirit. (Galatians 5:25)

​In Mark 6:8, Jesus sent out the twelve and told them to bring “nothing” and when they were not welcome, they had to shake the dust off their feet. So when we are in our walks and we pick up that “excess baggage”, we have to shake it off like dust on our feet.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What excess baggage have you been carrying around?

  2. What do you think is preventing you from “shaking it off like dust from your feet”?

Check back here, on the Christ Fellowship blog every morning at 6:30am, where that day’s devotional will be posted. Feel free to share, repost, and send the devotional to anyone you feel might benefit from it. And feel free to leave a comment on the blog post sharing what God has shown you that day through your fasting and the devotional.