BYMC is back for 2023!

After a more-than-two-year hiatus, the Bridge Youth Ministries Conference (BYMC) is back for 2023! And we’re picking up right where we left off before COVID.

BYMC is The Bridge’s longest-running tradition and event, dating back to the very first year the youth ministry was in existence. This youth retreat is designed to help your teenager connect with God in new and powerful ways. God’s Spirit always falls in fresh and new ways when we go on our retreat. Hearts are touched. Lives are changed. In fact, many of the current adult leadership in the church are here today as a result of their experiences at a BYMC retreat in the past.

The theme for this year’s retreat is “Let There Be Light.”

We want each youth to know and understand what it means to live in the light of God, chasing after his heart and doing what he commands. This weekend they will hear the call to leave the dark, embrace the light, let that light change them from the inside out, and share the light with their families and friends back home.

BYMC 2023 costs $145 per person and will take place April 28-30, 2023. The Bridge is hosting a fundraiser talent show on March 31 called Gifted to help offset the cost for those who need financial assistance.

To get all the info, visit The Bridge’s BYMC page.